DAC - Dubai Accreditation Center by going to the name change, it has been changed to the EIAC - Emirates International Accreditation Center (The United Arab Emirates International Accreditation Center) by including Dubai and all other emirates of the United Arab Emirates.
For this reason, in the IAF website it is no longer under the title Dubai, but under the title of United Arab Emirates.
You can access updated information via this
You can verify our company's accreditation certificate from both DAC and EIAC's website:
For EIAC: http://www.eiac.gov.ae/en/accrediatedcabs/Pages/default.aspx
For DAC: http://www.dac.dm.ae/DAC/Major/DirectoryAccreditedBodies/ManagementSystemsCertificationBodiesISOIEC17021.htm
Best Regards,